The new synagogue t-shirt design competition has it’s winners. Public voting showed that the best designers are:
1. Radka Ščepánková
2. Peter Dlhopolček
3. Matúš Lelovský
Their designs will be soon printed on t-shirts together with other four designs we have chosen – Samo Čarnoký, Palo Bálik, Janka Bálik and Boris Meluš – they also had nice number of public votes. All together we will have – lucky number – seven t-shirt motives. Thanks to all of you who joined the competition and voted.
Now there is time for orders the price starts at 20,00 € (feel free to make it higher), so the t-shirts also achieve the main goal – to support the synagogue reconstruction. The best supporters still remain those, who have the direct debit set on their accounts and send monthly small amounts of 5-10 euros, or more. Big thanks to these supporters who will one day become “immortal”.
In your orders on please write your name, name of the designer, whether it is male or female and the size S, M, L, XL. Also please write payment description too – either by bank transfer to 2620864319/1100 or in cash into a box in Stanica Žilina-Záriečie (where the t-shirts could be collected).
The t-shirt will be also given to those, who already have supported the new synagogue by a sum higher than 20,00 €. But of course they must contact us and identify themselves. In case someone wants the t-shirt to be sent by post, we would ask to pay two euros more to cover the postage cost and of course to write the address.
Here are the public voting design winners, you can choose from and represent this way the idea of Peter Behrens’ architecture reconstruction and it’s future use.
All designs which entered the competitions are here.
More information about how to support the reconstruction are here.
Thank you and please do not forget to take a photo of yourself wearing the t-shirt, or perhaps let us know how does it feel wearing it.