Hmota tvorí podstatu vesmíru. Môže sa meniť na energiu, rovnako ako sa energia môže meniť na hmotu.
Galéria Plusmínusnula
Workshop 11. – 16. 3. 2017, vernisáž v piatok 17. 3. 2017 o 18.00.
Výstava potrvá do ± 20. 4. 2017.
Projekt podporila Nadácia Tatra banky: Grantový program Viac umenia
Výstavy galérie Plusmínusnula z verejných zdrojov podporil: Fond na podporu umenia
Galéria Plusmínusnula
J. M. Hurbana 220/11, 010 01
otvorené v pracovné dni: 12.00 – 17.00
Students of AFAD: [MATTER]
Matter forms the essence of the universe. It can be transformed into energy, and energy can be transformed into matter.
Students of five studios of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVÚ) in Bratislava met in Žilina under guidance of three instructors, on the premises of the New Synagogue and the Plusmínusnula Gallery to take part in the [Matter] workshop.
The workshop aims to work with materials, to discover various possibilities and unexpected connections between them by understanding them and subsequently transforming them into forms which merge matter with ideas, time, space and labor. Mixing, pouring, measuring, weighing, dipping, hollowing, pulling, pushing, connecting and separating all form parts of the process into which we invest energy in expectation of results. We nevertheless do not shrink from using the trial and error method, either, because our primary focus is on the experience and the process itself.
As Juhani Pallasmaa wrote in his book The Thinking Hand: “The process takes precedence over its results, if only because the latter is impossible without the former.”
The result involves experience and newly learned skill, understanding and grasping the principles of working with material, of focusing one’s attention on the matter itself and the process of creation of objects which, directly or indirectly, form relationships between themselves and the space of the gallery; between an object, its author and the audience.
Workshop and exhibition participants: Oleksandra Bakushina, Nikola Balberčáková, Simona Gottierová, Alžbeta Halušková, Renáta Pinterová, Dušan Prekop, Emil Softič, Jozef Vančo
Instructors: Jaroslav Kyša, Lucia Gašparovičová, Ján Gašparovič
Collaborators: Ľubo Šoška, Anton Čierny
The project was supported by the Tatra banka Foundation: the “More Art” grant program
Exhibitions in the gallery were supported by public resources granted by the Slovak Arts Council
Preklad: Michal Spáda
foto: Kathrine Thude, Peter Snadík
Viac fotografií z výstavy nájdete na stránke Galéria Plusmínusnula.