Prvý rok je za nami. Čo sa zatiaľ podarilo?


Jedna tretina času, ktorý chceme venovať rekonštrukcii synagógy je už za nami. Predkladáme zoznam doterajších aktivít:

5 mesiacov strávila historička architektúry Magda Kvasnicová z FA STU pamiatkovým výskumom. Doplnil ju reštaurátorský výskum Jána Hromadu v spolupráci s Petrom Szalayom z Ústavu architektúry a stavebníctva SAV a Ivanom Pilným z VŠVU.

Vydali sme publikácie o našom projekte v slovenčine, angličtine a nemčine, urobili tlačovku, vytvorili webstránku.

Martin Tencer zameral budovu a doplnil neexistujúcu dokumentáciu, projektanti z firmy Prodis posúdili statiku.

Architekt Martin Jančok, držiteľ ceny CE.ZA.AR 2011 v kategórii interiér, vypracoval architektonický návrh rekonštrukcie, publikoval ho aj holandský časopis A10.

Spracovali sme kompletnú projektovú dokumentáciu na stavebné povolenie, pomohli najmä firmy MJM a SAVE.

8 brigádnikov strávilo štyri mesiace búraním a vypratávaním nepôvodných prestavieb, odviezli sme 40 náklaďákov odpadu, vďaka podpore Mesta Žilina a spoločnosti T+T nemusíme platiť za skládku, spolu 500 ton.

Po 50 rokoch do interiéru synagógy zasvietilo slnko a otvorili sme aj kupolu vo výške 17 metrov.

Zorganizovali sme 4 brigády, medzi 40 dobrovoľníkmi boli aj zamestnanci KIA a GlaxoSmithKline počas akcie Naše mesto.

Zrealizovali sme prácu za viac než 100 000 €, čo je asi desatina z predpokladaných nákladov.

Verejnosť sa mohla pozrieť dovnútra v máji 2012 počas Noci literatúry a v júni 2012 na výstave v rámci Fest Anča.

Zbierame príbehy pamätníkov, Peter Pikna natáča dokumentárny film.

Navštívili nás Daphne Bergsma, holandská veľvyslankyňa, Axel Hartmann, nemecký veľvyslanec a ďalšie desiatky zahraničných hostí.

Spolupracujeme s Ministerstvom kultúry SR, Mestom Žilina, Krajským pamiatkovým úradom, Žilinským samosprávnym krajom.

Stretli sme sa so stovkou potenciálnych sponzorov.

Spustili sme verejnú zbierku, do ktorej sa môžete zapojiť aj vy.

Na projekte pracuje už 20 ľudí, takmer všetci ako dobrovoľníci.

Vidíme, že ľahké to nebude… aj preto potrebujeme vašu pomoc.

Marek AdamovThe first third of the time we dedicated to the synagogue reconstruction is gone. We would like to therefore present what has been done so far:

The historical architect Magda Kvasnicova spent 5 months by doing a deep architectural and historical research. Additionally the restoration research was carried by Jan Hromada. He was joined by Peter Szalay from the Institute of Construction and Architecture and by Ivan Pilny from the Slovakian Academy of fine Arts and Design.

Brochures about our project were printed in Slovak, English and German. The press conference was held and the website was created.

Martin Tencer planned the building and created missing documentation, the engineers from Prodis have done the structural building assessment.

Architect Martin Jančok prepared the architectonic proposal of reconstruction which has been even published in a Dutch magazine called A10.

The complete project documentation was processed in order to obtain the planning permission. Firms MJM and SAVE were mostly involved.

8 volunteers spent 4 months destructing and removing the unoriginal architectonical interventions. 40 trucks full of rubbish were taken away. Thanks to Zilina’s Council and T+T company, we did not have to pay for dumping 500 tons of rubbish.

After 50 years the sun shone again inside the old synagogue and the dome which is 17 meters about the ground got to open.

4 volunteer gatherings were organized. Between the 40 volunteers there were also KIA and GlaxoSmithKline workers who joined the volunteer project called Our City 2012.

So far work for 100 000 € has been done, which represents around one tenth of the total estimated cost.

The place was open for public in May 2012 during the Night of Literature and in June 2012 during the festival Fest Anča.

We are collecting stories of those who remember the synagogue old times, Peter Pikna is filming a documentary about it.

Among lots of the foreign visitors were also Holland and German ambassadors.

We are cooperating with Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, with Žilina Council, Žilina Selfgovering Region, the Regional Monuments Board.

We met and introduced ourselves to hundreds of potential sponsors.

We started public donation campaign, which also you can join.

So far around 20 people are involved, mostly volunteers.

It is not going to be easy.. and therefore we need your help.

Marek Adamov